January 1, 2008

Savannah in Rochester

She left New Orleans Saturday night. She will be in Rochester through tomorrow. I've hardly spoken to my Vannah since she left. That's a good thing, I know that if she was not having fun she would want to talk to her Mama. She called for just a few minutes Sunday morning; sounded as nervous as I have ever heard her. Monday morning she called again but it was obvious that she was not in the mood to talk; she couldn't stop describing the snow outside her window. We don't have snow like that in Mississippi. She met a lot of Kevin's family and friends and loved them all. This morning I received another five minute call...apparently she is having fun. The forecast is predicting a winter storm in the New York area, I don't think she will mind if her flight home is delayed. I just hope it is delayed in Rochester and not at JFK; she would not want to be stranded by herself knowing that she could have stayed a few more hours with Kevin. Only God knows the outcome of their relationship and I trust that He has only the best for my Vannah.

1 comment:

Kevin P said...

Everyone she met wished Savannah could have stayed longer..! Didn't get the airport closing storm but we did get a few inches for Savannah to enjoy!

God only knows how to do all things well!